An increase or decrease in upkeep changes depending on these choices. But on this tab you should be able to swap out these troops with better or even worse units as you see fit. These have no extra upkeep cost as it is.

What they should do with garrisons is add a new tab for every city or settlement where you can see the free garrisons you get as before. As with all content on this RUclip channel, it is produced as a passion project outside of work hours, and any opinions expressed are that of the producer. I quit my job at CA: - This video was produced by RepublicOfPlay and is not affiliated with Creative Assembly or SEGA in any way. ►Reddit - /r/republicofplay - Discuss pc gaming and the show. ►Discord - discord.gg/yVKfKPg - Make friends, play games. ►My Twitter - DarrenROP - Updates and my daily thoughts. ►Twitter - ROP_Tweets - Smaller, more regular updates. ►Facebook - republicofplay - Larger, more infrequent updates.

►Twitch - Livestreams every night at 7PM. I've played through 100+ turns of a campaign and tried out each race in custom battle, and here's some of my thoughts.