You can also re-size them and set them in permanent rotation as well. You can now select from a variety of pieces and parts, color them as you like, and then slap them all over your ships. Gameplay wise, there is a new ship design system which includes a brand new ability to visually alter your ships in many ways. You can also now enjoy watching combat unfold in multi-monitor mode. So what exactly is new in this sequel? Quite a few things under the hood apparently, including a new custom-built and more capable C++ engine. Combat is as advertised, “hands-off”, and the only options you have once it begins are to move the camera or speed up/slow down combat once it begins.

This game is, once again, entirely about the design and planning. The idea behind the game isn’t entirely a new concept, as in many ways it is very similar to its predecessor, Gratuitous Space Battles, which we reviewed way back in 2010. A Steam key is also being provided for later when the game launches there. It has recently launched into full-fledged beta mode, and it is now available for purchase and play from their site. Far from being a 4X game, it instead focuses on ship design, pre-battle strategy, and a “hands-off” battle simulator. At least, this is what Positech Games is counting on with their upcoming release, Gratuitous Space Battles 2. Every once in a while, it’s nice to take a break from the stresses of taking over the galaxy and enjoy the glory of pure pointless space combat.