The story is broken primarily into three acts, with chapters 1 and 2 portraying the brief struggle to restore Illidan Stormrage's domination of Outland, chapters 3 to 8 following the retaking of Quel'Thalas, and chapters 9 to 12 showing the betrayal and downfall of Kael'thas Sunstrider and the restoration of the Sunwell. The campaign tells the story of the blood elves from their defeat at the hands of Arthas at the end of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, up to the final battle against Kil'jaeden at the end of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Rise of the Blood Elves is a twelve-chapter custom campaign for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, originally created by tomoraider in December 7, 2013, and is currently in Version 3.0 as of February 20, 2017.