Have the same experience in far cry 5 by getting competent weapons. The previous game had lower hip fire and reduced ADS spread, which made shooting a hell lot easier. We love how accurate far cry 5 can be however, the gun mechanics of far cry 4 were far better, in our opinion (even though they aren’t as accurate as the far cry 5 gun mechanics). Get all the perks you really need to crush your enemies and become number one. You can even track down some additional perks that might prove to be a tipping point in a clash with the hostile targets. It’s a simple map of hope county with markers on the loot and stashes you can find in the region. Want to get loaded up before an adventure? Get additional perk points. With budget limit remover, you can remove the restrictions on budget in arcade editor and go nuts.

With a limited budget, you can’t go all out with your creations, and hence budget limit remover is there to wash our worries away. However, one thing is a huge hindrance in the arcade editor, and that is the budget limit.

The arcade editor is a place where you can let your imagination run free.