In most cases, the new traits are personality traits. In the base game, they are usually close to the education of their guardian, though there is some random variation. Envious, Proud, Hedonist, Homosexual, Two notable non-personality outcomes are increased intelligence (from becoming Curious ) or decreased intelligence (from becoming Rowdy ). They can also randomly be received while inviting someone to stargazing or doing the "Study the skies" mission for the Hermetic Society.

For a character whom the player intends to have. Depending on an adult's skills and traits, sending them a few 14-year-old wards may harm them significantly. Traits also affect AI choices in diplomatic actions, by modifying five AI parameters: rationality, zeal, greed, honor, and ambition. However, an opposite trait, such as Slow, can be reduced or removed, despite being genetic. (This is separate from the events to intervene in childhood trait evolution based on educator's traits.). Spoiler: Traits - Vampire: You are a vampire a creature of the night who feeds on blood. rationality, zeal, greed, honor, and ambition,, Inherit chance increases to 50% if both parents have the, Crowned by a powerful theocratic vassal: a prince-bishop, a, Visible only to the character and members of the, Gained through decision. Sympathy for other religious group traits remove the "-20 Infidel" opinion penalty both ways for characters who match the religion that the trait tolerates. A high martial skill enhances a character's bonuses and mitigates the penalties of leadership traits. Each childhood trait has several adult traits into which it may evolve during adolescence, ensuring that no childhood traits are retained into adulthood, as well as one additional trait that it can only mature into with guardian intervention. These courtiers will have the traits, portrait, religion and culture you specify - furthermore, they'll remain in the mod for all future versions. Will need a regent, but can still be guardian to children, Given to randomly-generated leaders of peasant, (All pagans, tribal or nomadic characters) The ruler is a member of a, Pagans following a reformed religion with the, A "murder deflection" decision available for certain, For non-tribal kinslayer traits: A random event from the Pope, if you're independent, have 100 piety, and +0 opinion from the Pope.

The map will cover the main areas of Middle Earth, known in the books and films. For skill influence, you can choose which trait the child gets, but you must pay the associated cost.