Alien isolation vs dead space
Alien isolation vs dead space

This series aired just before the completion of the merger that gave the Walt Disney Company rights to the Alien franchise. The idea that Xenomorphs could survive in space was touched upon by the Alien Isolation - The Digital Series web series that premiered on IGN in 2019. Dark Horse published numerous series since 1988 that added to the lore of the Xenomorphs. However, with the Disney Fox merger, it isn't fully known which aspects of the franchise's comics are canon. The Xenomorph from the Alien franchise has numerous characteristics, all of which can vary with the type of species it is or the role it plays in a hive. Alien #6confirms that the Alpha is able to survive in the vacuum of space - though the duration of survival is still unknown. In the latest issue of Marvel'sfirst Alien comic series, the newest Xenomorph species - the Alpha - gains a new canon ability.

Alien isolation vs dead space